Wait List

     If you are wanting a puppy and either missed out on previous litters or would like to have a pup from a future litter feel free to fill out this form to add your name to a wait list for future puppies. 

       By adding your name to our wait list you will be given first pick over interest outside of the wait list. 
       We will move through the wait list from first to last in that given order. 
       Please note that even though you are on the wait list that you may or may not get a notice that you will be able to pick a puppy with the current litter as litters vary in size and we can't guarantee the same amount of puppies with each litter. 
        Example: If you are 9th on the list and the current litter of puppies only has 8 puppies you will then be the top of the list for the next litter. We will do our very best to get to everyone in a timely fashion.

       We understand the excitement that a new puppy can bring!!

Thank you for being patient! 

       If you no longer want to wait for a puppy please let us know so we can give the next person on the wait list the chance to choose their new pup!  

Thank you!      

BMG Springer Spaniels